Gabriella's medication, was changed for the most part, with a few additions, one being
she was now subjected to shock treatment therapy. This type of therapy is used on patients
that they feel their traditional medications alone won't work. Shock treatment therapy
is and always has been a very controversial treatment method, with I guess, as many doctors for
them, as there is against them.
I can only speak from my own observations as my dear sweet Gabriella, had about thirty-three.
Seeing her after each session made me realize how barbaric and inhumane, this type of therapy was and is
and how it seemed to alter her mind. For a great example of this, if you have ever watched, " somone flew
over the cooco next ," with Jack Nickolson, how at the end of the movie they gave him shock therapy.
Remember how he looked and walked, well they researched that subject very well, because that's how
she looked after her's. Gabriella is fifty-seven now and we have now been married twenty-four years.
her schizophrenia has now gotten worse.
I can't help wondering though, over the 24 years plus, all those shock treatments and ever changing
medications she was given, that she lost a big part of herself She now resides in a nursing home for
much older people and for the most part, has a hard time knowing from what's real from what is not.
Finally, if everyone could only see the sweetness in her smile, and the still twinkle in her eyes, than you
could begin to understand how remarkable, Gabriella truly is.
She is not only the love of my life but she is also my. HERO !