my wife's torment and the love we share!
mygabie's Articles In Misc
September 12, 2006 by mygabie
My name is Ron and I have been married to my very special wife for almost 24 years. Her name is Gabriella and she is a schizophenic very paranoid and often illusional.Like I said we have been married going on 24 years and although I love her very much it hasn’t always been easy. It was very difficult to see my wife for instance after her shock treatment sessions, how she totally acted like she was a zombie, it was very, very disturbing, to say the least. She was also very suicidal and Lo...
September 13, 2006 by mygabie
Hello again, I had to get ready extra early this morning! I have an appointment with the social worker at 10:00 am., regarding possibly transferring Gabriella to another facility. She keeps crying that she wants to go to another nursing home and quite frankly, I can not handle seeing her in this state day in and day out. Last week, when I brought this up to the care team, at a meeting, they told me simply, "that they didn't think another nursing home would take her, mainly because of he...
September 14, 2006 by mygabie
Ron again, I am very thankful for all the wonderful people, who pray for my wife and I. Those prayers, mean so much, more than you could ever possibly imagine. I can only visit my wife on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The reason being that they feel that they can control Gabriella's behavour problems, more effectively and also they worry about me, getting immotionally and physically, run down. As I wrote yesterday regarding the meeting I had with the social worker, which...
September 19, 2006 by mygabie
Visiting hours, were from 2 oclock-4oclock in the afternoon and from 7 oclock-9 oclock in the evening, I was there at both times. Gabriella, was so delighted to see me, that she almost knocked me over running and throwing her arms around me, as I was let inside the unit. The unit was a very large room with maybe about four patience and about three attendants, as they are called. The sleeping quarters were all off to the side. In each room was a single bed and a dresser, there were...
September 22, 2006 by mygabie
After Gabriella was released, she started the day programme at the hospital in which she had to attend five days a week. This was part of the treatment plan they had set-up, mainly so they could monitor her in a controlled setting, as well as see how she was reacting, on the medication . There was three therapists, as well as a social worker and of course the out-patient doctor, running the programme . The number of out-patients involved in the day progr...
November 7, 2006 by mygabie
Can you find it in your heart to help me with a small donation. My wife is in a nursing home and I need help with transit fare etc... I can not even afford to buy her birthday or anniversary gift without going further in debt. Thank-you so very much! Please visit my site for more info. : email :
September 30, 2006 by mygabie
Gabriella's medication, was changed for the most part, with a few additions, one being she was now subjected to shock treatment therapy. This type of therapy is used on patients that they feel their traditional medications alone won't work. Shock treatment therapy is and always has been a very controversial treatment method, with I guess, as many doctors for them, as there is against them. I can only speak from my own observations as my dear sweet Gabriella, had about thirty-th...
September 23, 2006 by mygabie
There was problems with the house in which Gabriella was placed and it was not with the home itself, but with the couple that ran the house. They appeared to be very greedy and that was evident, from the fact that from Gabriella's moderate monthly cheque, they would give her a measley $ 12.00 for the month . There also was other problems in the home so Gabriella, decided to stay with her parents for awhile, although it was a much farther commute, to her therapist as well as her prog...